Thursday, May 8, 2014

Style Inspiration: Costanza Pascolato

One of the blogs I read regularly is Garance Dore's. She "introduced me" to Costanza Pascolato, of Brazilian Vogue.

Costanza is 74 years old, and the woman has style in spades!  This morning, she made another appearance on Garance's blog. She was asked for her views on age and aging. Here's what she had to say:
“Here in Brazil, it is a very young country, with a new sort of middle class that is very aspirational. The “body” is the new status symbol. This means that women are in search of “eternal youth.” This is achieved, most of the time, very artificially (plastic surgery, treatments, drugs) that are starting to be a huge part of the economy.
I am a lucky person. All women in my family were strong and positive. They taught me to accept aging. But of course, they were intelligent, elegant, and my mother was very beautiful. The new generation follows their examples: my daughter Consuelo is 50 and looks great. And Alessandra is 48 and looks much younger than her age. We all have a sense that life is a privilege. So we treat our bodies (and souls) gracefully. I do a lot of exercise, eat well etc., but I do not try to look much younger than I am. I only want to look the best for my age (74), and that, happily, makes me stay away from anxiety.”  (Bold emphasis mine)
When I read her comments, they struck me as very in line with the French spirit and with the spirit that I'm trying to cultivate within myself.  I love how she says that the women in her family have a grateful, appreciative attitude towards life and towards themselves.  Although her comments are in response to the question of how she views aging, they also could easily apply to "How do you feel about dieting and weight?" I think her answer would be very similar, "I only want to look the best for my age, and that, happily, makes me stay away from anxiety" and it's one I want to apply to my life as well.

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