Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Letting Go

"Experts" say it takes anywhere from 21 to 30 days to break a habit. I don't know if that's true, since I can't recall many instances where I've actively decided to change a bad habit. 

A few times I've had to go cold turkey and give something up. Case in point: I learned I had some food allergies/intolerances. The consequences of eating these foods were unpleasant enough to make it pretty easy to give them up and not look back.

But in general, I have not really had much success in changing my stripes.

For example, this past weekend we ordered a cake for Monsieur's birthday. We were expecting 20 people so I ordered a big cake and it seemed even larger once it arrived. We still have quite a bit left, despite the fact that we had cake on Saturday, Sunday and  last night. And it's still remarkably fresh and tasty.

The point is, though, that both Monsieur and I are having a hard time just letting it go and feeling that it's okay to throw the leftover cake away. Neither of us works in a place where it'd be easy to bring the leftover cake, either, or else this would be an option:

Joking aside, though, why is it so hard to let go? Despite my best efforts to adjust my mindset and ask myself WWFD and think like a French person, my first instinct is to think, "Oooh, cake! I never get a good cake like this! I have to enjoy it!!" 

The idea that I never get cake is what's at the heart of my hesitation but it is a totally erroneous assumption!! I give myself plenty of treats, believe me. And, if I really starting thinking like a French person, I would know that there will always be another opportunity to have cake. In fact, I am allowed to go get myself some cake anytime I darn well please, because, well, "I'm worth it!" and so there is no reason to fear I won't ever have another chance at having a slice of cake again.  

When you really look at what is motivating you (fear) and how your mind is working (irrationally) then you really start to realize how ridiculous it all is!!

So, perhaps the "experts" are right and it is just a matter of time until you can change how you think and drop a bad habit. I guess we'll see.

Anyway, gotta go. Have to go throw away some leftover cake!

à bientôt!

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